NAICS Categories
Description of NAICS Categories and annotated description of NAICS Search and Detail Pages
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Description of NAICS Categories and annotated description of NAICS Search and Detail Pages
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The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
NAICS Categories are used by Federal Agencies to assist in procurement categorization. GovTribe maintains a list of NAICS Categories and their details, allowing you to:
filter by your relevant NAICS categories when searching for Opportunities and Awards
research competitors and possible teaming partners within certain NAICS categories
To access the NAICS Categories Search Page:
Step 1. Go to: Main Menu >> Categories >> NAICS Categories. (Take me there)
The NAICS Catgories Search Page will be displayed, which allows you to view and access information about NAICS Categories:
Click the title of a NAICS Category to open its detail page where you can access more information about that specific category:
Please refer to the following for details on how to use this page to search for opportunities Search 101
Favorite the NAICS Categories relevant to your work to make it easier to pursue relevant contracts. When searching for Opportunities or Awards, you’ll be able to quickly add those NAICS Categories to your filters.
The following goes into a little more detail of what data and tools you have access to when viewing this page.
At the top you will be able to access buttons to favorite a NAICS, as well as view pages dedicated to personas, IDVS, Awards, and opportunities related to this category:
In the center of the page you will be able to view an AI generated summary related to this category, as well as a clickable tab to view the description of this category:
On the left had side you can view the parent NAICS for this category as well as popular contract opportunities, and vendors who win contracts, which use that category.
Towards bottom of the NAICS Category Detail Page, the Reports and Funding Analysis sections are active and displayed.
For details on each report within "Funding" refer to the following documents found in the Reports on Detail Pages section of this User Guide:
At the top of the funding analysis report are the buttons "Split by", "Date", and "Export".
"Split by" and "Date" are drop downs you can use to adjust the scope of the report. The export button can be used to export the data from this report to a CVS file.
You can also use the view buttons to change the type of report you are looking at:
The other views are as follows:
For details on how to interpret the data and graphs in this section, refer to Detail Pages - Funding Analysis Section in the Reports on Detail Pages section of this User Guide.