Conducting Market Research
Identify Top Competitors, their Market Share, Top Agency Buyers, Vehicles, and more!
GovTribe Reports offers you unparalleled insight into spending trends. Whether you are performing market research, just want to know more about a space, or enjoy diving down rabbit holes of data, Reports has you covered.
Knowledge is Power. Knowledge Shared is Power Multiplied" - Robert Boyce
Getting Started
You need to know what you're interested in/ how you define your "space". We commonly see teams using NAICS categories and potentially keywords to identify records that would be relevant, but you can use any of the Filters you see under the Add Filter button
One thing to remember is that reports are built on award data, which is usually rather brief in terms of a description, so keywords may not always pick up what you're looking for.
Navigating Reports
In this section, we will go over:
Specifically for Contract work, we will answer the following:
Specifically for Grant work, we will answer the following:
Who are your competitors and how much of the market share do they hold?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can use the Split By --> Awardee to see the Awarded Vendors and their percentages:
Who are the top agencies purchasing your services and how much are they spending?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can Split by --> Major Agency
Where were the awards located & how much has been spent in each location?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can Split by --> Place of Performance
How has the spend changed over the years?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can navigate to Funding and see a Bar Chart of the changes over the selected date range:
How have the number of awards changed over time?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can switch the view to Awards and see how the number of awards has changed over the selected date range:
Contract Specifics
To what extent are the contracts competed?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can set the Split By Extent Competed:
What Vehicles (IDIQs, GWACs, etc.) are used for this spend?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can navigate to the Top IDIQs, Schedules, GWACs, and BPA's to see what Vehicles may be applicable to you, the percentage of spend on each and quick links to the Vehicle pages and relevant awards:
What set asides are predominantly used for this spend?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can Split By Set Aside to see the award value in each set aside:
Grant Specifics
What type of assistance was used for the contracts in my space?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can Split by Assistance Type:
What programs did the spend occur in and how much was spent in each?
After you have entered in your filter criteria, you can Split by Program or navigate to the Top FGPs:
Last updated