Use your GovTribe Pipelines, Stages, Pursuits and Saved Searches as triggers and actions in Zapier.
With the GovTribe Zapier integration, you can automate your workflows by connecting GovTribe with thousands of other apps, including your own CRM or BD tools. You can access both your account's own capture data - such as Pipelines, Stages, Pursuits Saved Searches and Tags - as well as our integrated public data sets, including Federal Contract Opportunities, State and Local Contract Opportunities, Federal Grant Opportunities, Government Files, and more.
What actions and triggers are available through the integration?
The GovTribe-Zapier integration offers a variety of triggers, searches, and actions that allow you to automate your government contracting workflows. Below is a comprehensive list of what’s possible:
• New Results for Federal Contract Opportunity Saved Search: Triggers when new federal contract opportunities match one of your saved searches. Configure the saved search you want to use as a source for this trigger.
• New Results for Federal Contract Award Saved Search: Triggers when new federal contract awards match one of your saved searches. Configure the saved search you want to use as a source for this trigger.
• New Results for Federal Grant Opportunity Saved Search: Triggers when new federal grant opportunities match one of your saved searches. Configure the saved search you want to use as a source for this trigger.
• New Results for State & Local Contract Opportunity Saved Search: Triggers when new state or local contract opportunities match your saved searches. Configure the saved search you want to use as a source for this trigger.
• New Or Updated Pipeline: Triggers when a new pipeline is created or an existing one is updated.
• New or Updated Stage: Triggers when a new stage is created or an existing one is updated.
• New or Updated Pursuit: Triggers when a new pursuit is created or an existing one is updated.
• Updated Pursuit Stage: Triggers when a pursuit moves to a different stage. For example, when a pursuit moves to the won stage.
• Create Pipeline: Create a new pipeline.
• Create Stage: Add a new stage to a pipeline.
• Create Pursuit: Create a new pursuit within a stage.
How to connect GovTribe and Zapier
To start automating your workflows with GovTribe and Zapier, follow these steps:
GovTribe resources are representations of GovTribe data returned via the API. Note that some resources include nested resources.
Nested Resource Caveats
Nested resources are only available in a hydration method or a hook trigger’s perform. For example, a Pipeline resource, when returned as a nested resource inside of a Pursuit, will not include tags,creator,owner, or workspace - these nested resources are only available when the resource is hydrated or loaded directly.
Nested file resources store the dehydrated file value in the key file.
Some nested resources (for example, User) are only returned as part of other resources, and have no associated triggers or hooks in Zapier. These may be added in future releases.
Pipeline Resource
Pipelines represent your business development workflow. They contain Stages, and each stage can contain one or more Pursuits. Information about your business development process performance - such as the number of won or lost Pursuits - is available from the Pipeline resource.
{"resource_type":"pipeline","id":"66f70adf61275a2069065f63","name":"Pipeline","description":"Pipelines contain Stages. Each stage represents a part of your business development process.","url":"","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:43:27-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:43:27-04:00","active_pursuits_count":0,"active_estimated_value":0,"active_probable_value":0,"won_pursuits_count":0,"won_estimated_value":0,"won_probable_value":0,"lost_pursuits_count":0,"lost_estimated_value":0,"lost_probable_value":0,"abandoned_pursuits_count":0,"abandoned_estimated_value":0,"abandoned_probable_value":0,"tags": [ {"resource_type":"tag","id":"66f70adf61275a2069065f62","name":"tag" } ],"creator": {"resource_type":"user","id":"66f70adf61275a2069065f61","name":"GovTribe User","email":"" },"owner": {"resource_type":"user","id":"66f70adf61275a2069065f61","name":"GovTribe User","email":"" },"workspace": {"resource_type":"workspace","id":"66f70adf61275a2069065f60" }}
Stage Resource
Each Pipeline has one or more Stages. Stages contain Pursuits and consist of different types:
Terminal: Terminal stages are created by GovTribe and consist of Won, Lost and Abandoned
Triage: A Triage stage is created by GovTribe. Use this stage as a place to hold pursuits before they are an active part of your business development processes. Pursuits in a Triage stage will not impact stage or pipeline-level statistics.
User: User stages. User stages represent a stage in your business development workflow. Create as many or as few as you would like.
Information about your business development process performance - such as the number of won or lost Pursuits within the Stage - are available from the Stage resource.
{"resource_type":"stage","id":"66f70bba3b1a2d4e09061a36","name":"Won","description":"Stages are part of a Pipeline and contain Pursuits.","type":"terminal","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:47:06-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:47:06-04:00","pipeline": {"resource_type":"pipeline","id":"66f70bba3b1a2d4e09061a33","name":"Pipeline","description":"Pipelines contain Stages. Each stage represents a part of your business development process.","url":"","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:47:06-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:47:06-04:00" },"creator": {"resource_type":"user","id":"66f70bba3b1a2d4e09061a31","name":"GovTribe User","email":"" },"owner": {"resource_type":"user","id":"66f70bba3b1a2d4e09061a31","name":"GovTribe User","email":"" },"workspace": {"resource_type":"workspace","id":"66f70bba3b1a2d4e09061a30" },"pursuits_count":0,"estimated_value":0,"probable_value":0}
Pursuit Resource
Pursuits represent a business development effort. They are located inside of Stages, which in turn are part of Pipelines.
{"resource_type":"pursuit","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e7","name":"Pursuit","description":"Pursuits represent business development opportunities. They are part of a Stage inside of a Pipeline.","pwin":50,"probable_value":500,"estimated_value":1000,"estimated_duration":12,"url":"","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00","estimated_award_date":"2024-10-27T15:45:58-04:00","due_date":"2024-10-04T15:45:58-04:00","entered_terminal_stage_date":null,"entered_stage_date":"2024-09-26T15:45:58-04:00","pipeline": {"resource_type":"pipeline","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e3","name":"Pipeline","description":"Pipelines contain Stages. Each stage represents a part of your business development process.","url":"","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00" },"stage": {"resource_type":"stage","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e6","name":"Won","description":"Stages are part of a Pipeline and contain Pursuits.","type":"terminal","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00" },"previous_stage": {"resource_type":"stage","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e5","name":"Stage 1","description":"Stages are part of a Pipeline and contain Pursuits.","type":"user","created_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00","updated_at":"2024-09-27T15:45:58-04:00" },"tags": [ {"resource_type":"tag","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e2","name":"tag" } ],"creator": {"resource_type":"user","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e1","name":"GovTribe User","email":"" },"owner": {"resource_type":"user","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e1","name":"GovTribe User","email":"" },"workspace": {"resource_type":"workspace","id":"66f70b7665db93f2b90ab6e0" }}
Saved Searches can be created in GovTribe, and represent a set of Elasticsearch queries, filters and sorts as configured in GovTribe's search UI. Once created in GovTribe, Saved Searches can be used as triggers in Zaps.
{"resource_type":"state-local-contract-opportunity","id":"65f49c390c6a1c87ae063840","name":"Media Monitoring Suite ( Public Info)","government_description":null, "ai_description": "The Office of the Attorney General of Alabama on behalf of Montgomery City and Autauga County seeks pricing for a 12-month TVEyes Media Monitoring MMS Suite subscription to support public information activities across partnering state and local agencies. Quotes for unlimited searches, watch terms and results are due by March 19, 2024 and should incorporate any applicable discounts.\nThe standard boilerplate terms and conditions apply, requiring suppliers to register in Alabama Buys to submit elec...",
"additional_information_url":"","url":"","source_url":"","solicitation_number":"SRC0000021370","created_at":"2024-03-15T01:34:19+00:00","updated_at":"2024-03-15T01:34:19+00:00","due_date":"2024-03-19T18:00:00+00:00","state": {"resource_type":"state","id":"66f70c26b71c78284a0cc518","name":"Virginia","url":"" },"jurisdictions": [ {"resource_type":"jurisdiction","id":"66f70c26b71c78284a0cc519","name":"Virginia Beach City","url":"" } ],"unspsc_categories": [ {"resource_type":"unspsc-category","id":"9fc53203-da62-4639-9401-d02e8e424124","name":"Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services","url":"""code": "81000000" } ],"nigp_categories": [ {"resource_type":"nigp-category","id":"d1ac6c5d-7e02-4062-9c10-8b01e267bf2f","name":"Data Processing, Computer, Programming, And Software Services","url":"","code":"920" } ],"government_files": [ {"resource_type":"government-file","id":"8efbc59d5f18478eb246b93e734b544b","name":"C-5 Attachment Lakeview Asbestos Survey.pdf","government_description":null,"ai_description":null,"file":"(File) C-5 Attachment Lakeview Asbestos Survey.pdf","created_at":"2023-07-07T06:53:35+00:00" } ]}
Federal Contract Award Resource
Represents a Federal Contract Award in GovTribe. A contract award is released by a Federal Agency
{"resource_type":"federal-contract-vehicle","id":"66f87399dc794509810967ab","name":"Food for Peace Development Assistance Program (DAP)","url":""}
{"resource_type":"naics-category","id":"66f87399dc794509810967a9","name":"Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services","url":""}
{"resource_type":"psc-category","id":"66f87399dc794509810967aa","name":"Support- Professional: Program Management/Support","url":""}
{"resource_type":"unspsc-category","id":"9fc53203-da62-4639-9401-d02e8e424124","name":"Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services","url":""}