Saved Searches
Annotated description of the Saved Searches Page
Since one of the most-used features and benefits of GovTribe is the ability to search for interesting Opportunities, GovTribe provides robust search capabilities. One particularly useful and time-saving feature is the ability to save search criteria that you use often.
Your Saved Searches are stored on the Saved Searches page, where anyone on your account can view the current search results quickly at any time. The creator of the Saved Search can edit the search criteria and delete the Saved Search, while other users can copy the Saved Search to make it their own and edit as needed.
In addition, if Email Notifications are turned on for the Saved Search, you can elect to receive an email when the results of the Search change, either instantly with each change, or a daily or weekly roundup. A sample email is shown below:
Related Articles: Search 101 Saved Searches and Email Notifications Find Contract or Grant Opportunities
To access the Saved Search Page:
Step 1. Go to: Main Menu >> Capture >> Saved Searches.
The Saved Searches page will be displayed, which allows you to view and access Saved Searches shared with your account.
The following image describes this page and its features and functionality:
Editing search settings allows you to edit the Name and frequency by which the search results are sent to you. In order to Edit the criteria of the search (such as keywords, agencies, etc.) you would first need to open the search results (click the name).
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