Annotated descriptions of the Main Pursuits Page and the Pursuit Detail Page
Pipelines on GovTribe contain your Pursuits, and each Pursuit represents an individual contract or grant opportunity (or Award that you're pursuing as a recompete) that you are pursuing or evaluating to possibly pursue.
Pursuits can be created from or linked to one or more Opportunities or Awards that you find on GovTribe. They can also be created manually from the Pipeline page, and not linked to any existing information in GovTribe's database.
Related Articles: Pipeline, Pursuits and Triage Stage Overview Step 2: Find and Add Pursuits to Your Pipeline Pipeline Performance Reporting
The Main Pursuits Page
The Pursuits page lists all Opportunities that you have decided to pursue and added as a Pursuit. (See Step 2: Find and Add Pursuits to Your Pipeline for more information.)
To access the Pursuits Page:
Step 1. Go to: Main Menu >> My GovTribe >> Pursuits.
The number displayed next to the Pursuits menu option indicates how many Pursuits are currently active on your GovTribe account.
The Pursuits page will be displayed, which allows you to view Opportunities that you have identified as Pursuits. The standard GovTribe search functionality allows you to search these Pursuits in many different ways.
The following image describes this page and its features and functionality:
The Pursuit Detail Page
When you click on a Pursuit from the Pursuit Search page (or a Pursuit’s link elsewhere in GovTribe), the Pursuit Detail Page is displayed, as described in the following image.
The Activity tab described next in this document.
Please note that the Activities tab will show you both Government Activity as well as your teams activity related to the Pursuit. If there are any changes/ updates the Government has made, you will still receive an email!
The Activity Tab
This tab allows you to communicate with your team members about the Pursuit in one location, which becomes a permanent part of the Pursuit’s record on your account. This feature helps you collaborate with your team in one central place, as opposed to emails that can be lost, misfiled, and forgotten.
Any account member can start a new discussion by clicking the + Add Discussion button in the upper right corner. Each Discussion has a title and a space for long-form descriptive text. You can also add files to a Discussion, allowing you to contextually annotate any file attachments you need to add to the Pursuit.
Any account member can add a comment to the Discussion by clicking the + Add Comment button in the Discussion’s area.
The Add From Email link in the upper left corner opens a new email message using your default email client, pre-addressed to the unique email address associated with the Pursuit.
You can also right click to copy the email address and save it in your Address Book.
Using this option will send an email and start a Discussion simultaneously, and responses to the email will be added to the Discussion as Comments.
See Collaborate with Your Team section for more information.
The Files Tab
This tab provides access to both files uploaded by you and your team, and Government files automatically associated with the Pursuit.
By default, the User Files are shown:
Click the Government tab to view Government Files:
The Tasks
Integrated with every Pursuit is task management capability. Tasks can be created within any Pursuit, assigned to a team member, and tracked against due dates. (See Create Tasks, Manage Files, & Collaborate with Your Team for more details.)
Also when selecting the "edit" tab, you can edit the entire Task including, the Name, Status, the Description, Due Date, Assign To, Priority, and apply Tags. In this interface you can also add objectives to your Task Checklist.
The Opportunities Tab
This tab displays a list of the Contract and/or Grant Opportunities that are linked to the Pursuit. So if the Pursuit was created by clicking the Pursuit button from a Federal Contract Opportunity page, for example, the link back to that page is displayed here.
Personas Tab
In this tab you can see who the assigned Point of Contact is. Click here for more details about Personas
The Likely Bidders Tab
In this tab, GovTribe displays the list of companies (in the context of their most relevant past performance) that you are likely to be bidding against for the Pursuit.
GovTribe generates this list using data mining techniques based on the information you have linked to the Pursuit, using the linked Opportunities and Awards to identify the category of work, the set-aside, the agency buyer, and any past vendors. GovTribe also uses all associated text (i.e., the Opportunity title and description, the scope of services) to semantically understand the content of the Pursuit.
Based on this data, we generate a list of relevant past performance that is then rolled up by Vendor to display likely bidders -- or possible teaming partners.
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