Funding Analysis Report
GovTribe's Global Report Analyzing Funding
This GovTribe global report provides funding analysis across the entire GovTribe database. You can filter the report in many different ways (e.g., by NAICS code, by Agency, by Contract Vehicle, etc.) to obtain the insights you need.
This document describes the global Funding Analysis Report.
GovTribe also provides Funding Analysis data throughout GovTribe, for individual items on their Detail Pages (i.e., Federal Contract Vehicles , Federal Agencies, Vendors, NAICS Categories, and PSC Categories). The functionality differs slightly on these individual pages, as described here.
This document describes how to interpret the information in these sections, using the Federal Agency Department of Homeland Security as an example.
To access Funding Analysis Report:
Step 1. Go to My GovTribe >> Reports. (Take me there) The Funding Analysis tab is active by default since it is the first report.
At the top of the screen, you can set filters, reset filters, and share the report, as shown below.
IMPORTANT: Note that the filters you set in the Add Filter dropdown will apply to all views of the Funding Analysis report (treemap, stream graph, and table), as well as any other report you access by clicking its name in the top bar (e.g., Awards, Top IDIQs, etc.). You can use the Reset Report button to remove the filters at any time, which will remove them from all Reports and their views.
Funding Analysis - Treemap View
The example below shows the default view of the Funding Analysis report, which reflects funding data across the entire GovTribe database, considering any filters you my have applied in Add Filter. The graph type is "Treemap" by default.
The Treemap view is useful for quickly and visually understanding the relative value of items, since the size of each "block" representing each item is proportioned relatively (e.g., larger blocks represent a higher value, smaller blocks represent a smaller value, proportionately.
From this screen, in our example you can see that in the last 12 months (Last Year), $1.6 trillion dollars have been obligated across all government agencies. By hovering over the Federal Contract Awards block, you see that $152b (35% of the total obligated dollars) has been obligated in Federal Contract Awards.
You can easily filter this data by selecting an Award Type in the dropdown provided, and you can change the timeframe in the dropdown provided.
Clicking on the Federal Contract Awards block provides further insights into the funding data for all Federal Contract Awards. By default, as shown below, the information is split by NAICS category, but you can select other ways in the Split By drop-down list.
The relative sizes of the blocks generally represent the obligation amount - the larger the block the higher the obligation amount. Click on any block to further drill down:
Continue drilling further as desired by clicking any block. Return to any previous level by clicking that level in the path shown at the top.
Funding Analysis - Stream Graph View
The stream graph view is helpful for understanding how funding changed over time.
Click Stream Graph to view the information as a stream graph:
The information is basically the same as the treemap view described above, except the graphic representation is changed.
Click on any stream in the stream graph to filter the graph to that type. For example, clicking the blue stream in the example above (which represents Federal Contracts Awards) applies Federal Contract Awards as a filter to the view as shown below.
Funding Analysis - Table View
Click Table to view the information as a table:
In this view the information is displayed in list form.
Remember that any filters you have applied in the Add Filter dropdown, even from another view or report, are still active. You can always remove previously set filters by clicking Reset Report.
Last updated