
Search for buyers and Industry Personas that are actively purchasing/selling goods and services within a particular Industry.

There are two types of Personas in GovTribe: Buyers and Industry.

Buyers are Personas that are actively purchasing goods and services from a particular Industry. In GovTribe you are able to search for the contact information of that those buyers as well as pull a few more insights.

Industry allows you to identify employees at companies actively selling goods and services to the Federal Government. You can find employees at organizations you are targeting for partnerships or to sell your services or products by using filters such as employer, location, seniority, title and more.

Getting Started

To get started - just add a few filters! We'll find Personas in the federal government that work in this market based on the Federal Agencies, NAICS Categories, and PSC Categories most relevant to you.

Personas Insights

Personas Insights provide a quick, high level, market report so at a glance you can see data such as the most common NAICS, or PSC Categories a Persona uses, vehicles in the market they are involved with, and awards they are tied to based on the filters you have set:

Last updated