
Using “Favorites” to keep relevant data at your fingertips

What is Favoriting?

The Favorite icon (a heart icon) can be clicked to “Favorite” various items throughout GovTribe:

Favorites are unique to each user so what you favorite will not affect the rest of your teams favorites. These favorites can be used to quickly navigate to pages you commonly review as well as make creating searches with your favorite records substantially more efficient.

The icon works as a toggle, which can be turned on and off with subsequent clicks.

The number shown next to the button indicates the number of times the item has been Favorited in GovTribe, giving you an idea of the popularity of that item.

You can view items you have favorited by clicking the heart button in the top right corner:

Favoriting Items

To Favorite an item in GovTribe:

Step 1. Click the Favorite icon of the item you wish to Favorite. (It looks like a heart.)

The Favorites icon will become “filled in”, indicating the item has been Favorited by a user on your account.

To remove Favorite status an item in GovTribe:

Step 1. Simply click the “filled in” (on) Favorite icon of the item you wish to Favorite.

Using Favorites in Filters

Once an item(s) is favorited, it can be quickly added to filters when conducting any search.

In the sample above, the user is filtering a search to include favorited NAICS codes. Clicking Add Favorites to Filter will quickly add all favorited NAICS codes to the filter without having to find and add them separately.

Last updated