Browse and research Vendors to learn about your competition and identify possible partnerships
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Browse and research Vendors to learn about your competition and identify possible partnerships
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GovTribe maintains an extensive, up-to-date database of all Vendors that have registered to business with the federal government, allowing you to research competition and identify possible partnerships.
Federal Vendor profiles now contain much more detail. This includes number of employees, annual revenue, industry, location, technologies in use and more.
With access to Enhanced Vendor Profiles, Users have the ability to:
Quickly determine whether a Vendor is active via contract award dates, garner insight as to a Vendor’s expertise
Identify Teaming partners through an improved Search experience for Vendors
View number of employees and annual revenue, number of years in Federal
Access links to the Vendor's contact information including Crunchable, Twitter & LinkedIn profiles
View a Vendor's Sector Industry or Sub Industry tags
Understand technologies that the Vendor uses both internally and for its websites
To access the Vendors Search page:
Step 1. Go to: Main Menu >> Participants >> Vendors. (Take me there)
The Vendors Search Page will be displayed, which allows you to view and access Federal People associated with contracts and grants on GovTribe.
Please refer to Search 101 for details on how to use this page to search for awards.
The following image describes the Enhanced Vendor Search page and its features and functionality for Standard & Premium users.
Users are able to click to Search for a specific Vendor, apply Filters to Search including Featured and Favorited Vendors.
See Feature Your Vendor Profile for more information on the Feature Vendor button..
See Feature Your Vendor Profile for more information on the Claim Vendor button.
Federal Vendors Reports Tab
The Federal Vendors Reports Tab displays a bar graph representing the number of Vendor Registrations that have been registered within the selected timeframe. Registration types are represented by different colors, as shown in the legend underneath the graph .
If no search criteria or filters have been defined, the bar graph will include ALL Vendors; otherwise, it will only reflect the Vendor(s) returned by your search and filter criteria.
By default, the timeframe is one year past “today”, grouped by Quarter. You can change the timeframe by selecting any dates in the two date fields, and change how the information is grouped using the drop-down provided.
Hover over any bar section to view details.
To access the Enhanced Vendor Detail page:
Step 1. Go to: Main Menu >> Participants >> Vendors. (Take me there)
Step 2. Search for the desired Vendor, then click on the Name of the vendor listed (or the View button).
You can also access a Vendor’s detail page by clicking on any Vendor link throughout GovTribe.
The Enhanced Vendor Detail Page will be displayed
Towards the bottom of the Vendor Detail Page, the Reports section is active, with the Funding tab selected by default. Click each tab in the Reports section to view a different report for this Agency.
For details on each report in this section, refer to the following documents found in the Reports on Detail Pages section of this User Guide:
This section provides useful information about the Vendor’s funding history, starting at the highest contracting level and allowing you to drill down to the lowest.
For details on how to interpret the data and graphs in this section, refer to Detail Pages - Funding Analysis Section in the Reports on Detail Pages section of this User Guide.
This section displays useful information about the Vendor:
You can find the Vendors contact information as well as their SBA Certified Business Types include 8a and HUBZone, and if applicable will display the expiration date, as shown below:
This section lists Prime contractors that use this Vendor as a subcontractor, along with access to the Contracts and Grants for each Prime contractor.
This section lists Subcontractors for which this Vendor was the Prime, along with access to the Contracts and Grants for each Subcontractor.
This section displays a list of all Federal Contract Awards (Vehicles, IDVs, Awards, and SubAwards) that have been awarded to this Vendor.
This section displays a list of all Federal Grants and Grant SubAwards that have been awarded to this Vendor.