Search 101

How to effectively search in GovTribe, and how to use filters and advanced syntax to fine-tune your search results

GovTribe offers advanced search capability throughout all of its data modules, allowing you to find the most relevant Opportunities, Awards, and more. You can fine-tune your research to your unique needs.

In this document, we will describe Search in the context of the Federal Contract Opportunities screen. However, the Search functionality works the same across all GovTribe modules.

Search Basics

At the top of all data screens, the GovTribe Search fields are displayed, allowing you to search for specific data relevant to your needs.

Using Keywords to Filter

Keywords in the Search field can also be used to filter search results. Keywords can be any words relevant to your search, such as a title (or partial title), words related to your product or service, etc. You can type just one word, or a phrase.

You can search using only keywords, or combine your keywords with the filters provided in the GovTribe Filters list.

Simply begin typing keywords in the text entry field provided. The system will display similar, relevant search terms, if applicable, which you can select if appropriate, or continue typing to define the keywords you want to use. Click Search to apply your keywords to the search results.

You can also continue selecting filters from the Filter field, as well.

Using GovTribe Filters

Use the Filter button in any Search bar to filter your search results by common criteria tracked in the GovTribe database, as shown in the following example.

Advanced Search Syntax

For the vast majority of searches, this will likely suffice. However, there are a number of operators available to further refine (or expand) your search.

You can use the operators separately, or in combination.

Example 1: Entering the following as a Federal Contract Opportunity Search:

"cyber security operations" -training

will return all contract opportunity records that contain the exact phrase "cyber security operations", EXCEPT those that also contain the word "training".

The - prior to the word "training" means that you want to see everything preceding AND NOT the term immediately following.

Example 2: Entering the following as a Federal Contract Opportunity Search:

"cyber security" + (systems | training)

will return all contract opportunity records that contain the exact phrase "cyber security" and also contain either the word "systems" OR the word "training".

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